06 Jul COVID toes? It’s a real thing!
While COVID toes can appear at any age, children, teenagers and young adults seem most likely to develop this condition. These patients are typically healthy. In most of these young individuals they never develop other, more common symptoms of COVID-19, such as a dry cough, fever and muscle aches. When they do have symptoms of COVID-19, the symptoms tend to be mild and recover fully.
There’s been recent news coverage of “COVID toes” claiming certain rash or skin conditions can be linked to COVID-19. While we are still monitoring the correlation to the disease, foot and ankle surgeons do note that many viral conditions or other ailments can manifest in the feet, such as infected toenails, frost bite, or poor circulation from heart or lung disease. If you notice any changes to your feet, contact Strash Foot and Ankle Care. Our number one priority is to place your best foot forward, again.