06 Dec Dr. Kidner
Pain to the inside portions of our feet can have many causes. Some patients may have a large bump or lump to the inside area of the arch and this could be confused with plantar fasciitis among other things. Many times this enlargement to the inside arch area is a painful “extra bone” known as a an os tibiale externum, navicular secundarium or accessory navicular. This extra bone may lie within the posterior tibial tendon, be partially attached to the navicular or be ossified to the navicular creating an enlarged navicular bone. In any event it’s painful when standing and walking.
This painful accessory bone is not uncommon. It is painful and often swollen brought on with prolonged activity and standing, trauma to the area, ill-fitting shoes and increased exertional activities such as participation in sports.
Your foot and ankle surgeon will want to take weight-bearing x-rays of both feet for comparative purposes and depending on the findings may want to send you for an MRI. Conservative treatment for a painful accessory navicular will consist of taking oral anti-inflammatory medications, casting, changes in shoe gear, prescription orthotic therapy, injection therapy, physical therapy and if these treatment modalities fail surgical intervention is indicated. Calling Dr. Kidner…
In 1929 and 1933 Dr. Kidner described the relationship of an accessory navicular and a flatfoot. He also chronicled a surgical correction for this problem. Dr. Kidner described a surgical technique (yes he named it after himself – the Kidner Procedure) consisting of the removal of the accessory navicular with transection of the posterior tendon and reattachment of the posterior tibial tendon to the bottom portion of the navicular. This surgical procedure is still used very successfully today and is a mutually gratifying treatment for both the patient and the surgeon.
Recovery from the Kidner Procedure involves several weeks of cast immobilization with crutches followed by bracing, possibly physical therapy with an eventual return to full painless function. Dr. Kidner invented a winner!
The accessory navicular bone can be painful for people of all ages. If you’re having “arch pain”, get it checked out. If conservative treatment fails it may be time to call on Dr. Kidner.
Bottom line, in this day and age, it’s not necessary to live in pain. If you’re experiencing chronic pain that’s precluding you from partaking in your daily activities, give Strash Foot & Ankle Care a call, today – we are committed to helping you put your best foot forward, again.